quick reference
Your Mixer
At first glance a mixer looks like a bewildering array of knobs and
buttons, but there are only a very few types of controls, and most are duplicated for
each mic. The controls are also placed in the same order in which the
signal passes through them: from the top to the bottom of the mixer for
each mic, and then the channels are summed along the bottom of the mixer
to the master outputs.
The next page (controls) follows a mic
signal from start to finish, with suggested starting positions
for the controls. If you have an Entertainer mixer, it will look exactly
like this. If you're using another mixer, it may be labeled differently,
but will function the same way.
- Setup
- Mixer location:
- near electric outlet (connect all equipment to one outlet
- accessible from floor, not too close to piano
- minimize cable runs
- Mixer controls:
- check 'mono/stereo' (or 'monitor/main') switch set to
'mono' (or 'monitor')
- start all EQ settings flat (0, usually "12 o'clock")
- set all gains and levels down as low as possible
- Mics:
- keep center foot of stand off the ground
- caller: SM-58 (golf ball head)
- musicians: no doubling up on mics - get that mic close!
- Cables/Connections:
- mark cables clearly at both ends
- label mixer for each mic/instrument (not just 'in order of stage'!)
- run cables to minimize clutter on stage, especially around caller
- connect main speaker cables to 'Amp' jacks on back of
- if the monitor speakers are powered, their cables go
to 'monitor'
- if the monitor speakers are unpowered, connect to the
other 'Amp' jack
- Speakers:
- on stands, small 'tweeter' speaker at top
- place as close to edge of stage as possible
- 3' above heads of first dancers, pointed slightly inward
to center of hall
- tilt forward so ray from center hits 1/2 way down the
- tone dial on back set to 'normal' or 'flat'
- Double Check:
- mic, speaker, monitor cables plugged in completely before
power up
- Power Up:
- turn on power switch
- bring gains and levels up to moderate settings (see next
- check that all mics and speakers are working.
If not, check connections
- check that monitors are working, plugged in, turned up,
band can hear well
- look for obvious problems before you twiddle dials!
- hum? Light dimmer switches should be turned all the way
on or off