Recording engineer
I maintain a thriving business in live on-location recording of classical and folk concerts, and have worked on a number of acclaimed studio CDs. I also enjoy editing and mastering projects, enabling reissue of archival recordings in CD format.
Concert/dance sound specialist
Over the years, I've assembled an array of equipment uniquely suited to large events in challenging venues, and I have more than 10 years' experience in running them. I've been hired to do sound for large events all over the Eastern US.
Well-known author and advisor
All Mixed Up, my handy guide to running sound for acoustic music events, has sold over 1500 copies. It teaches fledgling sound operators the basics of the craft, and serves as a useful resource for experienced sound techs. New 4th edition now available online.
Experienced musician
My own experience as a musician on stage -- I've played more than 1000 dances and performed solo -- gives me an unusual ability to produce great results in difficult sound situations.